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New ART "2018"

I keep good thoughts in my mind and transfer them to

my ART .

Top picture my daughter with AMY Tuck, bottom pick Dad and the Navy Class of 1957

Dad at the Cape watching a launch with his body guard.


Hillary or the "Muff Dragon" as she is known in the secret circles,has

killed and used every dirty connection ion the criminal dictionary to usurp

power and gain dictatorial control over the public through drug dealing and

abusive corrupt enforcers of the law ,placed in law enforcement and in every

attorney generals office across the state and in the state department to keep

covertly the illegal operations of these highly addicted and murderous people. 

9/11 was pulled by the same people behind the challenger o-ring failure, new Orleans

Mafia member Dewayne De Roach also a Mc Donalds owner, Miquell Alvarado sr. mexico city

cartel and Mexican hat dancer and dope dealer to the stars,Buddy c. Newman speaker of the house for the state of Mississippi and his nephews and family member Bobby De Laughter and his son's friends who graduated from the Air force air traffic control were working the day of 9/11 along with my cousins husband and his brother who was flying in coke for the dixie mafia was working at the same Florida air port that the musliums were trianned and flue out of the day of 9/11. This is the same group promising our cops a part in the power of the New World Order ,also the coke coming in through St.Bernard parish was flown out of the lake front air port to the Clinton's in Arkansas where they poisoned their way to the white house and killed any one in their way ,with the help of the now addicted FBI and CIA and others they have employed or extorted now are helpless to stop this invasion of our security by the murderous cartel run politics now the enemy of the Global community is pushing us to their cartel leaders ideology not knowing that in the end when their is just a few of them left ,the Mexican's will finish their leaders plan and kill all those addicts and traitors that betrayed the people of the World and because they sold out their own kind for power they now are useless to this plan as this is not the Albert pike version but the cocaine backed Mexican version of the New World Order, where we all lose . Many movie stars that do cocaine have been having the coked out crack head president on as they to get their drug from this same source as the are moving toward the one to rule all type ideology under the power of cocaine. The Clinton's and Obama are stealing all of Americas money and they and their addicted forces they have employed to various positions of power work to keep their crimes from the public eye ,all the time covering up murder and overdoses of good people that are in the way of their stealing and selling of our country and it's people. The Clinton's and their cartel friend used their attack on New York to get them in position to kill and steal the wealth of the middle east ,especially the opium now killing Americans across this nation, brought in by our now obsolete security forces and distributed by dirty cops and their hold on federally controlled projects and low income areas. The government has fallen and we are becoming the enemy,parents,christian's,veterans who know the truth,reporters ,scientist,and others are all in danger from this force.Every ports that this cocaine enters is where these terror attacks are taking place and the muslium mafia is working with the local corrupt cocaine cops to bring about this terror as they to sell out just as fast as Hillary And Bill white trash Clinton. Now she lives in New York knowing that she and Obama's Handlers and friend took down the World trade center to get over Global trade and replace the dead with their friends now they can poison the world and its children killing and silencing the truth and warping history to fit their agenda of a world under their control as soon they will say all of america is a danger to themselves and disarm us before we can stop them from femma camping and staving us out .time to be real men and stand against this and arrest these people. down below you will

find the thing that have been done to me to stop me from saving the very people that have betrayed this country.                                                                                 

Hillary and Obama aided in the 9/11 attack so they could justify to the world their outlandish

excuses and ideas that only kill us and serve their pockets ,we are heading in to the headlights light like a deer in a spot light.

Hillary Clinton and David Duke both sold and still sell cocaine for the same drug cartel

David went to jail for a while over some money that went up some of the most wonderful

peoples noses i have ever met, so i'm sure they thank daddy every day for taking the fall for their mistakes. thanks dad for going to jail, sorry i snorted up your donations in coke, but i made some south of the border hat dancer rich.

If you haven't figured it out yet ,that our government is run by cocaine wacko's

and that every appointment to power is to shield the illegal operations of harming

us and the world community.The FBI who are killers for Hillary Clinton and Obama who are totally run by greed and the love of death for their Masters have started and incoraged

the stage for these terror attacks on purpose as it is the agenda of the present administration with all its dangerous players from the State department down to the local police that protect

the illegal operations of our now dictatorial elite trash telling us and controlling the very insecurity we are not seeing, the very poison that blinds us ,binds us from protecting ourselves from corruption as well as our children who now are shuffled away from us day by day ,and indoctrinated to the acceptance of the criminals that now bind them and stifle our future with a drug ,sex ,murder ideology that now threatens our entire way of life. For thirty years i have watched as the Clinton drug machine backed by cartel and mafia from New Orleans have rose to power while setting to world up and attacking citizens world wide as she and Obama aid in it's deadly implementation .As long as it serves them and they don't get killed,they hope for your demise and may literally pray to their God cocaine for your death. Time to put all of Obama and Hillary's appointment's in jail along with their counterparts world wide at the receiving end of the drugs now being moved Globally by our

cartel run Government.

NOT all Mexicans ,Italians,English and white trash are part of this attack

on freedom ,just the ones on cocaine ,raping and killing our children with drugs,

from foreign counties smuggled in not under the nose of our security,but by

our security now working for crooked Hillary and her cartel handlers.

The owl at the"Bohemian Grove' is the Mexican cocaine owl from Santeria origins.

What is going on is cocaine worship under the guide of some sick twisted

child molesting Mexican hat dancer"Brujo" from mexico city ,now living in and controlling

the city of New Orleans. That's why Hillary , Bush,and crack head Obama like to visit New Orleans to rule over their territory after they and their friends cause havoc during Katrina

and blew up the levees ,just like they did 9/11 and the space shuttle.all this so they can get money funneled through their hands and back to their cartel masters not us public running any thing or anyone,not any more.

when the refugees come they will get involved in our criminal element and the money we give them will go right out the country as we American public have so many enemies now and our stress levels are up as we watch our government crap all over us using every department of government against us and the world.We are losing because we have losers and under achievers that have killed their way up the latter .We the public have become some thing to be fed upon. I'm afraid just like anyone in a world that is becoming foreign to my values as a human being. Many of us Americans have been made to think we are mentally ill and because of the drama of drugs ,crime and it's influence on our people especially the young and abused . We all seem to be getting pushed and for some it's to much for them to take in.

So many things pilled up against us that failure is now the new success ,down is up,white is black and so on. I remember the good cops and parents that loved their children .i remember when divorce was rare and love was real,all of this before narcotics changed our society and destroyed our families feeding them to the justice system and mental health system or bringing them to their deaths .All of these people were fine people before and had a good chance at life,but do to the ever present push by the media on us and our children to be drug addicts and criminals is booming and so are our deaths.

All our systems of government and media that are now cocaine run,have joined together

against the people and now Donald Trump,with their many passionate addicts demonstrating

their propensity for violence and the reflection of the mob like mentality oppressing our very true and need for assistance to sever our ties with this insane government that has set the world on fire just to watch it burn. Wake up it is time to save ourselves , We whats left of the proud fathers are few and we are hurting, we are out numbered and need to deal with these deceptive tactics and unwillingness to act for our benefit not those of the private secret individuals ideology which has brought and cultivated riffs in all our lives. Making healthy people in to mentally ill people by denying us the basics and jailing us for it when they purposely leave the back door open and use loop holes in our constitution to dismantle

our freedom and incarceration of our values,and the separation of our values from our children .imprinting them for failure and servitude to the oppressive now murderous drug invested dictatorial government hell bent on denial of every thing till they achieve total melt down and we become the sacrifice to their foully . We have been made sick and slow and are being killed off at and alarming rate all across this country,while Hillary and here masters grow stronger and more foreign people poor in as this was planned to help bring us closer to the goals of these very dangerous people that are now manipulating Donald Trumps poll

figures ,trying to say that we the people are for things we are not to sway things away from truth. Time to fight for whats left of our world and destroy the Ghetto builders and bring sanity

for all,safety for all, no more addicts, no more cocaine, no more murder,no more divorce, trouble in the family, no more overdosed kids, no more sorrow controlled by fear ,no more milking the people that have been denied the basic freedoms not given by man but inspired

by our inner morality this is my world , this is my promise to you, i give you a seed of thought as my journey soon ends and i will return to the ether of this world once more ,but i will not escape the gravity of what i'm leaving behind . you all need me and i you ,as i'm a man with value and strength but am alone as i have been so many times before forced to watch as the darkness spread from home to home from heart to heart and now has consumed all ideologies both good and bad. and now we have become the gray area that must not be silenced . rise up stand tall ,we are at the pivoting point in your existence to fight this invasion that is sinking and drowning the voices of the millions of victims world wide suffering under the same forces now possessing our white house.All of this will stop when we jail those that have lied and failed us.                                                                                            

Many years ago the cartel and mafia in New Orleans was sending people to the Bahamas to smuggle drugs hidden in the cavities of the human body ,rectum,and the vagina witch can hold up to nine ounces of cocaine or heroin .This has been done for years and now is in full swing in Cuba again. Woman,minorities,and the sexually deviant depend on cocaine as it helps them run the rest of us.We must sever this connection. As Hillary and Obama are using the followers that are party to this addicted philosophy and that is why our world is left in such violence for every one not bowing to this insane drug and death run government bringing the sane world to the doors of the oven. It is unfortunate that the addicted and those that push poison don't see that soon they will be gotten rid of as their work getting the money for the New World Orders plans will leave them all dead in the end ,as the drug lords won't need you anymore as they look at us as stupid and sick. The people must take this government by force and jail the traitors in the government and all our government systems afflicted by this invasion of drug addicts on our very lives we must end this hold by the cartel on our white house and our police officers returning them to humanity and to our protection not the protection of our enemies ,however i feel to many are gone over to this ideology and must be rooted out. now they are doing the same coming from Cuba. The T.S.A was created from a lie that 9/11 brought about to get over drugs not terrorist everything done by this administration is drug and money oriented we are caught up in this violence caused by this wave of corruption . 

99% of gas stations and convenience stores are Muslim owned and cater to the poor blacks as well as the whites where they sell the drug paraphernalia to use with the foreign the drugs that are killing our children while making others of weak nature have power over them,and bring America to unhealthy and violet state. Many of the young blacks who shop these store are being radicalized by Isis and can't wait to help OBAMA who is no friend to freedom or to the American people both black or white.But most people are so use to hand out that the thought of a job other than selling drugs of putting terror on the citizens of your neighborhood from the drug dealers now working distributing the illegal poison to our people all while congress feeds whats left of us to the un -American garbage of the world.

our government is selling us out and housing the enemy while Americans are homeless and unemployed and are not continuing to satisfy the raping of our country's money and its values. We are a weak nation and we are being over run ,our youth have turned on us and adopted the death cult philosophy the our president and Hillary are a part of.

   Remember GUN CONTROL IS HITTING YOUR TARGET. Obama's incompetent FBI and CIA and NSA were all hand picked to do nothing while the president sets us up for death after he take your guns then Mexico will join in our deaths as they already have more than half of us eating out their hands now. Tired of your children dying while others take America away from you and pervert your values and dreams in to a sharia law slave country where we are forced once again to suffer under a monster created by and nurtured in the poor of our country and diabolically built and constructed to feed the needs of those who have know party but the servitude of one self interest at the loss of Global freedom.Watch out and be careful as we have enemies yet to make their play,as i say many of the drug using youth that visit muslim stores say and have said they serve ISIS and Obama . theses are young dangerous black kids and young men most armed with stolen assault rifles a-k 47s and ar-15's, many have hand guns 40 cal. and the 45 are preferred ,many have small caliper weapons .The jails have been used to recruit young blacks and older men in to Islam so they can join in the battle to come many whites from Great Britain and some here have also join as the drug and money is just to tempting to say no or try and stop that fund this fiasco . i\it is past time for action and we must rebuild our countries defend ourselves, only after we storm the white house and execute all their in that oppose us, the will of the people and don't let the media or any one threaten your life as many are being threatened every where who want this crazy bullshit government to be held and tried for treason and all those sympathetic to the destruction of the moral fabric of us the few and stable and alert Our forefathers said it plain you can worship our GOD not YOURS any way you want long as your living here with us in America. so yes it is a war against a whole religion stirred up by by our drug dealing enemy in the white house and all who would support this negligence at our expense time to take down these savages these beast who serve to steal ,rape ,sexually devour our children,drug and sway our children away from us drugging them and killing with no feeling at all for normal people and with a jackal like laugh they hold fast the throat of our very core what Americas about. Lets take back and cast out and jail all threats starting with those that we know are criminals and murderers that have laid in bed with the enemy,as our FBI fails us and is aiding in the terror for the president controls them,and he an army of extremist at his call and we are in the middle of all this and before is see my people in a Fema's camp run by Mexicans and Obama and white trash Hillary whose slaves include the drug addicts and misguided poor,don't like America or our values get the hell out of my country or face the anger of the people who are tired of this ignorance that has left us trapped and wishing we had a place to run . and are now going to be forced in to compliance or civil war as i will not let this administration dictate life to me and label me crazy when they are clearly insane and working with the enemy and must be destroyed all the way down to there last objector . Watch for signs of attack and meet it with American violence and be a real hero not a fake false flag hero .We can;t afford to wait for protection from an enemy who has financed these attacks from our own white house . Lets make America great and get rid of that thing that we all know has grown out of control and left us hoping as we sink in to a state of unreality place on us ,like we have to take threats .i'm not in a gang but,we are being pushed by a thug run government whose mafia tactics are now in plain sight and the out right lies apparent and our will's ignored. I was threatened for my support now with the government trying to take away from us what they won't take away from ISIS GUNS. If you have to kill to survive to vote. God bless your aim, as i know we are at war here and now don't be fooled like Hillary's drug and weird followers as that's just what they are the part of all our races that need to go ,violent ,obsessive and ignorant as they derive there strength from the fear and poison they smuggle in to our lives.

Movies about my family or a take off of my story ,of course Hollywood adds their twist to things. For your viewing pleasure you can rent "Ghost in Mississippi" about my cousin Bobby De Laughter who put Byron De La Beckwith in jail for killing Meger Evers,and then went to jail him self for crossing the power line, his son and friends graduated from the air force air traffic controller school and his friends were working the day of 9/11 ,also my other cousin is married to a boy who worked at to same airport where the muslims trained to fly into our towers,his brother was flying coke in for the Dixie mob, the same coke the Muslims were high on. The muslims are working for cocaine with these mob elements and dirty politics they aid in the terror take over globally by these criminally backed players.

Movie number two is just a poor attempt to piss me off by some Russian producer any way hope you enjoy the movie "The Prince". 

Obama talks like he has made America better and safer, but in reality he has displaced millions and killed hundreds of people world wide from overdosed young people , American vets . He has fanned the flames in favor of our enemies and has joined them in the spoils of his failures,they only people doing well are those who have roped us in to their lies,and are becoming wealth on the deaths of millions globally.

You are the enemy of freedom ,free speech and you and your supporters have murdered ,lied,tortured and drugged your way into the white house. You serve an ideology of death and deception that has culled America in to accepting the lie and the death you are bringing to my country with the greed of a jackal.Your not the devil or the president, your just a queer crack head supported by the greed of some truly demented sociopaths who have gone into global drug dealing and murder and theft to steal the riches and traditions set forth by our true Government which you and the death cult of cocaine have high jacked .why you silence us ,we grow louder ,when you jail us we cry out for justice,now none are hear but those of your murderous group that is killing the world and stealing it's riches while poisoning our children against our American traditions and our ideology claiming we need to be like you ,think like you, well that's crazy and so are you and all your wacko friends .You glorify your failures as accomplishments ,and reward the ill minded for leading our children into drugs , crime and sex. Even using our public school system against the good families of this country and along with the murderous cops whose families are selling and protecting drug shipments and distribution at ports all over the world as they pull terror attacks in your namesake and that of your psychotic patrons whom depend on the cocaine and the thievery of others to solidify their grand lie and abuse that is not bankrupting America but rather robbing America by our government with all our enemies help to eliminate those who would trigger their down fall and imprisonment .Are the queers going to start matting us like animals so we can give them our children to abuse while calling us bad parents as the make money from the drugs sold to you family and the money from the private rehab which they also own as they burn you on both ends . Before i see the witches and the queers put good decent people in a Femma camp ,I'LL vote TRUMP and put them in the camp built for us and our families. Don't wait on Jesus or God to save you ,or anyone else. I'm sure the Jews wanted to know why God let the Germans kill so many of them and not do something. Man killed God so he could play GOD the way Obama plays God with all our lives. Trump is the only one standing up as the control over the media and the entertainment business fear Trump and us as they would also fall if Trump were elected and would suddenly become bored as the killing would stop and the fake terror attacks and the many murders done but the supporters of this New World Order have a no idea that a third party those that have funded this criminal empires take over of the Globe and the now broke American Government .as Obama and friends are stealing Americas money and pulling one multi-million dollar scam after another from insurance jobs to military actions that never happened ,like the gun training for 90 million or more that failed and more lies and bullshit ,hell half Americas ON drugs or selling drugs or is in jail for drugs. Time to put these people in jail and all those that would try to stop us ,remember the only call those they fear mental and want the guns before every one realizes just how few are causing so much suffering.                                                              

People need jobs,not promises.The American Dream Has been a nightmare

for so many for so long that the dream i was born with i wanted for every one.

but my dreams were stolen by the same system that has us in this pivoting point

in the history of our country and the abuse of new technology aimed at at the

the public to do one thing classify us as subjects to a debt reliant nation of

subservient to a Government now playing God with our lives and that of our children.

We are being ruled by fear built by our own mistakes that have fueled such a corrupt

body of Government that has squeezed the very decency and morals of our citizens

in order to line their pockets and that of their constituents feeding on the woe caused

by their literal attacks on the public that does not support their ideology above even

the labels of political classification,to in fact rob us of our individual quality honing in

on our weaknesses our believe in hope and the destruction of unity or family,by making

the body sick as a whole the few control freedom now in recess .Don't be fooled we have

lost so much ,been lied to to long ,and in just a few years have managed to not only

screw up the lives of millions of our own people ,but the lives of every one in the whole

world not a sign of still any where , just drugs war death and drama. This is what drives

people like Hillary Clinton and OBAMA and their creators ,they are selling America

as they are the enemy to all we hold dear and have killed under the cover of failure and

deceit now with more than half American Households effected by drugs and drug abuse

it is hard to have any faith in a system that has failed us and our country and its people

broke while they claim unfounded victories and award those that lead our future away from

us and in to their brutal control.

My DAD had friends all over the world, they are now in danger from the global drug dealing and terror that comes with it

What is the New World Order? Well i'm afraid that this will not go well like they think it will.

Imagine a few bad cops and their families and friends,Bad military and their

families and friends all selling and moving drugs, backing cartel and mafia backed politics

all serving one ideology from many positions in power ,global drug dealing, global murder,

and global terror all performed by members world wide on the receiving end of the cocaine

distribution around the world .This is what has tapped out all the money from the governments

of the world and put it in the greedy pockets where it becomes worthless,instead of back in to circulation

where it belongs. This was planned to unbalance to worlds governments and to make money

off the crime it would produce,and the destruction of our families and lead to a society which

like their own health that becomes sick ,the surroundings become run down like our infrastructure.

We have been betrayed on a global level by drug a drug dealer who with his workers in government

have stolen and pocketed all the money that would keep us going as a country, Turn the police

against the people they should treat like a family member ,but despise because the person has

fallen do to the no security our people have from drugs cocaine being the fulcrum of all our failures.

The plan of the south American cartel was simple infect or security and military ,our federal agents ,our schools

so their cocaine ideology driven teachers could seed our children for failure and make America

weak . After the New World Order Round up which has been going on for some time,after we

the public realize we have been played by our own. they will starve, us they will jail us by the millions,

they will get rid of us at the fema camps. Now that the well armed police and military have killed

everyone that is not the New World Order as they are doing right now to people with heroin and

other bad things we don't need or want our people to have .The whole of south america will come

and join their brothers and sisters already who already are here killing our people as the well paid

politicians and the dirty justice system and all their agents that are bringing this to a head will

all be killed in the end ,when they have made their numbers small,then with our leaders setting

up and preparing for this ,thinking that they after betraying and killing their own people would

be allowed to live after they hand us over . It's just not in the plan for them to live either ... like

i said we have been tricked and the real threat is in our white house and south of the border.

if we act now and take them down we have a shot at saving America before we all get killed by

a bunch of cocaine crazies who the that global warming is their justification to kill us. South

america will be running the feme camps like they run Hillery Clinton,John Mc Cain,John Kerry,

and many others like their puppet OBAMA to grab at the emotion of people they have been killing

and jailing and laughing all the way at our misfortunes that have created their soon to be worthless

fortunes . And a situation that will hand this country and its children over to the cartel who plan

on killing all the blacks and white Americans ,with the refugees pumping up Europe ,after taking american

they will join with the refugees using them to take down Europe .and the only New World their

will be is a south American one.New Orleans has been taken by the wacko cocaine worshipers

that were responsible for the space shuttle tank o-ring explosion,9/11,the oil spill in the gulf,and the

destruction of the New Orleans leave system that flooded the city. Plans to flood the city were

discussed at regional planning office in New Orleans in the late 1970's knowing it would be away

to gut the city of its poor and ring in the revenues and operate more secretly and streamline

the cocaine industry into fewer pockets as they global drug deal out of the ship yards and our ports,

now New Orleans and New York and every place is affected by this drug backed movement.                                                                                                   

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